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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Telengana chief ministers - Term

1). Neelam Sanjiva Reddy From 1 November 1956 11 January 1960 - 1166 days
12 March 1962 29 February 1964 - 719

2). Damodaram Sanjivayya From 11 January 1960 12 March 1962 - 791

3). Kotla VijayaBhaskara Reddy From 20 September 1982 9 January 1983 - 111
09 October 1992 12 December 1994 - 794

4). Nara Chandrababu Naidu 01 September 1995 14 May 2004 3178

5). Yeduguri Sandinti Rajasekhara Reddy 14 May 2004 Incumbent 1581*

TOTAL 8340 days

22.8 yrs

1). Kasu Brahmananda Reddy From 29 February 1964 30 September 1971 2770

2). Bhavanam Venkataram Reddy From 24 February 1982 20 September 1982 208

3). N.T.Rama rao From 9 January 1983 16 August 1984 585
16 September 1984 2 December 1989 1903
12 December 1994 01 September 1995 263

4). Nadendla Bhaskara Rao From 16 August 1984 16 September 1984 31

5). Nedurumalli Janardhana Reddy From 17 December 1990 09 October 1992 662

TOTAL 6422 days

17.5 yrs


1). P. V. Narasimha Rao From 30 September 1971 10 January 1973 468

2). Marri Chenna Reddy From 6 March 1978 11 October 1980 950
03 December 1989 17 December 1990 379

3). Tanguturi Anjaiah From 11 October 1980 24 February 1982 501

TOTAL 2298 days


Jalagam Vengala Rao From10 December 1973 6 March 1978 1547 (settler)

The above numbers may look bad, comparatively with respect to CM's from each region, but if we observe, that there was a major change after 1983, when NTR became Chief Minister. He changed the demographics of leadership and Bought the One leader per party into picture. YSR and CBN adapted to that new idea.

When NTR bought Telugudesam to power in 1983, it was unanimous decision, that he will be CM. He was not nominated, and was elected to take over Andhra Pradesh. CBN's first 3.5 years in rule is through a back door entry, but he did have majority of MLA's supporting him at that period and he did prove that he is worth the CM seat for state in the 1999 elections.

YSR was mostly Opposition leader and he did do his hardwork by doing padhayatra and he focussed himself as state leader in 2004. I am sure and its undisputed decision that he will be chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, if congress comes back to power. Same was the case in 2009 too. These 3 leaders has changed the way elections are contested mostly according to me, as they were unanimous decision.

I would not dispute about the other leaders we had, from different regions, and they had their administrative positives and negatives, but according to me can be considered as a more regional level leaders.

For example, D. Srinivas may be PCC chief, but I am sure that he would not secure even a mandal seat in andhra region. He is powerful enough to grant him the seat as High command, but not worth enough to win it. Same is the case with ex-cm K. Rosayya, or current CM Kiran kumar reddy. They hardly win their own seats.

Out of the 8340 days Rayalseema people have ruled the state, We can take the CBN period and YSR period aside, (3178+1581) = 4759 days making Leaving it to 3591 days.

Out of the 6422 days of andhra region rule, if we take off the NTR's period of (585+1903+263) = 2751 days the remaining period is at 3671 days.

As Jalgam vengal rao has done more betterment for Khammam and his achievements were eradicating naxal moviement in telengana, and considering that he was not nominated, but won his elections from Khammam region, and Khammam being part of Telengana region, irrespective of what he personally though, Telengana region leaders ruled for 2298+1547 = 3845 days.

I am not proving that Telengana had a major share in CM seat, but would convey that people elected from Telengana had a greater say and could convey the High command to get CM seat majority of time.

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