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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nehru and his statement about Telengana

Nehru felt bad when Telengana was united with Andhra Pradesh. Which makes me question his intelligence on multiple ways.

1. Telengana was not directly part of British India. Even though it was, it had an indirect rule with Nizam taking up the proceedings and just paying part of the tax.

2. Telengana had its own freedom struggle, and neither Nehru, not Gandhiji visited the region, I may be wrong on this one, but looking at the circumstances, i would go ahead and say that.

3. Even after India did get its independence, Hyderabad was not independent, it was mess, as Nizam wanted to have his own country or wanted to be merged with Pakistan, only when Nehru, went on vacation to England, the Iron Man of India took action and made it part of India. Does this mean that nehru wanted a seperate country for Hyderabad.

4. Most importantly, Nehru has made several foolish decisions, one by giving Jammu and Kashmir, its unique status, for which we have been still fighting. which brings up the point, how credible is his decision making skills.

I am not objecting to his speech, but within my right, I am questioning integrity and leadership skills. Indian common people busy to make ends meet, may not think, but as educated, we should understand the consequences of the speak. Eventhough we cannot do anything around it, it still makes sense to learn the motives and understand, if a leader is all speak and no DO. Which our politicians are.

I am not contradicting that Nehru made those statements about telengana too, I am questioning his decision making power. If as a prime minister, he was not sure that a merger would not work, he should have stick to his decision and why open a discussion, by doing something and talking differently. Nehru should have made a lot more statements. If Nehru did that Indira did differently and soniya is doing differently. I as an Indian would like to question the decision making power or correct decision making power of leaders.

This is like making an open statement "I am going to a movie" with an another person and stopping at it. Its not inviting him for movie, not disapproving him of tagging along to movie. These open statements will always cause an issue in the long run. I dont believe that this is the right character for a LEADERSHIP.

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