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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good, educated people can you help me understand

All the good people, answer these simple questions. If you have 3 Yes's, Anna Hazare can do some good for India.
  1. How many of us use only "PAID SOFTWARE" on our computers? - "NO"
  2. How many of us watch movies only on original "VCD, DVD. BRs"? - "NO"
  3. How many of us have not used various loopholes to evade "INCOME TAX"? - "NO"
  4. How many of us have paid "SMALL BRIBE" to break inspector, instead of fine? - "NO"
  5. How many of us have shown the right value of the "PROPERTY" we bought while registration? - "NO"
  6. How many of us have got our "DRIVING LICENCE or PASSPORT" without using Broker? - "NO"
  7. How many of us got our things done at Government office without paying "BRIBE"? - "NO"
  8. How many of us followed "TRAFFIC LIGHTS" while the cop is looking away? - "NO"
  9. How many of us have not given "DAKSHIN" to barber in Tirupathi after getting head shaved? - "NO"

With so many NOs in my life, how can I say "YES" and think that it works?

I will explain the details in some simple scenarios, which can effectively help us understand the corruption process.

I used to work for Advertising Agency an APSEB was our client. For a simple 5x2 (5 cms x2 column) width advertisement in Deccan Chronicle at the rate of 210/- pcc (per column centimenter), the bill would be about 2100 dollars.

To get that bill to Accounts Payable and to get it cleared, it takes about 9 signatures on the bill file. If I did a mistake and if one among the 9 officers catches it, the bill would not be passed. That means we have 9 different places where the bill is checked. If a wrong bill is getting paid, it essentially means all 9 people are not doing their job. Lets assume that Anna puts his 1 officer on top of these 9 guys, I would argue, if the probability of 1 among 9 being good is slim, then the probability of 1 among 10 is even more SLIMMER.

A simple story with 3 different characters, a Gazetted officer, a brother and a sister, each having their own computer. Gazetted officer uses the same for his office works, brother uses it for playing video games, and sister uses it for watching movies on computer. Due to the auto upgrade process running, a popup appeared, stating that it would solve some system related issues. Gazetted officer observed the same and thinking that it would resolve some issues, which he is not sure about would be resolved installs the software and has an virus attack. Sister also does the same old mistake. Brother, who is constantly on computer playing video games did not hit the same. When asked he politely informs he went by the instructions of not installing any software. That said, if there are ground rules and the rules are followed thoroughly then there is no reason to worry about the current system.

We have a very well thought out and planned out system to handle these issues, but unfortunately, we are running into panic mode too soon. The very fact that 3 of the ex-central ministers resting at jail, looking for bail approval proves that there is some system. These ministers were arrested by using the existing system and by not creating a new system altogether. When we look around and feel that there is too much of corruption around us, we get into a panic mode and try to repair it, in anywhich way possible. Like a systems engineer searching for solutions on google. When it returns some resultset, we dont worry to figure out, if it resolves some issue or not. We just go along and install it.

We are following the exact same process by agreeing with Jan Lokhpal Bill.

Politics is closely related to the game of CHESS. In chess, we make sure, that we check mate the king and never kill it. If we kill the king, we dong have options to play further. Similarly, Lokpal bill and Anna's demand that PM be included doesnot make sense as it will effect the very implementation of the BILL. PM has absolute authority in Indian democracy, its unfortunate that the current PM is holding on to the seat and is being just used as warming up device for the future PM "RAHUL GANDHI".

During a recent press conference, Kezrivaal, when asked about, what kind of powers would LOKPALL keeper have, he answered that he would have the same powers as that of Income tax officer. If thats the case, why would we need an another parallel organization?

Lets assume that Lokpall has some prima facia evidence, about a particular politician's misdeed. How would he proceed with the case. He has to present the case in Supreme court.

If we understand the process properly, a Minister/Prime Minister who has moral responsibility should take the case seriously and resign from his position. Cutting to present scenario, dont we think our beloved PM has moral responsibility to resign, while 3 of his cabinet ministers are taking rest at THIHAR jail. If Politicians dont take up the moral responsibility, then the whole concept of having lokpall is pure WASTE.

Even if they take it up, their Next of Kin or kids would take up the responsibility and get active into politics. Irrespective of what, the politician is left to circle courts, instead of his constituencies, facing charges.

if People take up the moral responsibility and think efficiently and not elect the corrupt politicians, why would we need a second CHECKS and BALANCE?

Lokpal process - Questioins

  • What cases would lokpal takeup for investigation? --- lets assume "media reports" and "public pulse" If media reports, political parties started owning publications and each publication comes up with its own story, how would that be basis of investigation.
  • How would it appoint lokpal officials?
  • What would be the timeline for solving each case?
  • How much would lokpal pay for each lokpal official?
  • What guarantee would lokpal have on its officials, not becoming corrupt, as they are investigating on officials who are experienced and known for the same act?
  • Its good that lokpal has provisions to investigate its own officials? How would any one complain on lokpal officials? The corrupt officers who gave money would never complain?
  • If a lokpal official is found guilty of corruption charges, would the lokpall superboss resign or just investigate the case?
  • If he would continue investigation, is it not what the Mr. clean, Manmohan is doing with cases related to kanimoly and Raja.
  • If PM is in the limits of Lokpal, who would control the lokpal super official?
  • Lets assume Supreme court can take up cases against the lokpal super official? Does it mean that every case will be trailed in supreme court
  • What would supreme court do, if it finds Lokpal guilty
  • How would a government official take efficient decisions, if each of his act is closely monitored and it may be investigated? Will it not make things complicated and wont it cause for creation of too many committees, to take a decision, and make sure that each decision is transparent enough?
  • If the decision making ability is made complicated, then would it not effect projects, investments and economic development?
  • Lets assume lokpal is successful, will the government close all its operations once successful?

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