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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nenu Telugu vadini, Naadhi telugu desam

Everyone, who is politically knowledged is affiliated to one party or other. We all are, some say big about it, some dont. I think political followers also have their own religion, caste or culture. We should not count them as normal people, they have their own "ISM". Like politicians, the followers also manage the demographics of caste, religion, etc., which help in gain or loss. At the end of the day we all are "POLITICIANS". We play our cards based on what we need. Politics can be defined as "social relations involving intrigue to gain the authority or power".

We are born into communist family and my grand father always said "Chesina papam gochilo pettukoni, Kaasi daka dekkuntu velithe emiti, pakkuntu velithe emiti". I believe in it and If I do wrong, its definately intentional. If someone is saying sorry, it is "BULL". My family was impressed with Communism, and has been able follower of communism, till 1991. Before election results were anounced, Harikishan "SING" surjit announced that "CPI(M) would support congress in forming government". Like many, we were dejected with that one statement. We were fighting with congress at all levels. My Grandfather said, "This is the most stupid statement from Communist party" and he went ahead and said, when Puchchalapalli sundarami reddy, has taken out his "REDDY" clan and become Sundarayya garu, how come Harikishan "SING" did not.

Coming back to "WHY TDP" part.

1. To save "30 paise" charged by RTC bus for travelling from Lakdi-ka-pool to Somajiguda near Eenadu office, about 4 KM, my mother used to walk for work, with only one dream that her kids, would have a better life. I went to Don Bosco High School, about 12 KMs from house and it used to cost me about 8.00Rs. per month for Bus Pass. TDP government introduced "Free Bus Pass" for kids going to school, a very relevant schema, which helped me and my family, during those days.

2. I took bus for travel most of my life, from 1983 to 1996. I used to face a lot of problem commuting to school, as there were lot of communal riots, which impacted bus service. TDP government is the only Government, till then, which took major action in eradicating the communal riots.

3. Congress, under the able leadership of Indira Gandhi, has used Governor Ramlal, to replace NTR government, with Nadendla Government. Under the leadership of NTR, Andhra has fought for its pride. That, I would conisder to be the starting moment, where Telugu Pride was recognized in the whole of India. I am proud of that moment, as a Telugu person and not because, I belong to one caste.

4. When other politicians, claim themselves independent, after being in committees of Congress Government, TDP is the only party, which challenged the central government and dared to show the other side of politics.

5. I have travelled extensively in Hyderabad and one major infrastructure issue, we have is ROADS. CBN, another TDP leader is the pioneer, in developing infrastructure not only in Hyderabad, but whole of Andhra Pradesh.

6. We all agree, that its very difficult to get things done in a Government offices. CBN is the only administrator, who did "Akasmika Tanikilu" or Prajala vaddaku palana, launched in November, 1995, and made sure that Government officers work.

7. In 1996, TDP under able leadership of CNB has launched "SRAMADANAM" program, which brought, not just me, but a lot of enthusiastic people to help keep Hyderabad clean.

8. In 1997, TDP government introduced, Janmabhoomi program, which successfully ran for 11 round, and it had primary goals of improving Community work, primary education, Primary health and family welfare, enviornment conservation, and responsive governance. http://budget.ap.gov.in/es2k_jb.htm

9. Hyderabad was lot greener around 80's and early 90's. Noticing the importance of green revolution, CBN started the Clean and Green program http://budget.ap.gov.in/es2k_cg.htm on 10th september, 1998. Which, I thought and we all have to think is a very good program.

10. In 1999, CBN's Government launched, Raithu Bazar. At the time, when the price of daily commodaties were sky high, CBN, recognizing, the importance of eradicating the middlemen and commission involvement, started Raithu bazar. This helped common men a lot.

I can go on and on about the different schemes, which were introduced by the TDP government, which impressed me a lot. The very fact, that a non technical guy like me writing my thoughts as a blogger was due to the HI-TECH revolution, CBN bought in Andhra Pradesh. People may say different things, but lets consider one FACT by comparing the number of AP software professionals, we meet in USA, compared to other states. I would say, Software professionals from AP are more than 60% of the total IT professionals from India. CBN has lost his charm a bit, he is getting desparate, due to his shortcomings, but he is definately a noticable, pioneer in politics.

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